can be submitted in either English or German. The length of the manuscript
should - depending on the type of manuscript - as a rule be between 5,000
and 12,000 words (including bibliography, tables and footnotes). Each
manuscript should include a short abstract of max. 125 words outlining the approach, main arguments and research results. This abstract will be published in both publication languages. If necessary, the German translation of the abstract will be compiled by the editorial staff. In addition, we request 5-6 keywords and a brief biographical note; its form will be
left up to the author, but it should include a few key words on the author's
research focus and discipline, as well as the postal address and - insofar
as available - the URL of the author's Website and the author's eMail
can be sent as Word texts or in RTF format by eMail attachment to the
editorial address cco@regener-online.de. Tables and Figures should not be inserted
in the text, but rather be sent as separate files. In order
to do justice to our authors' quality expectations, there will be a language
editing of manuscripts by non-native-speakers, for which a modest fee
will be charged.
Each manuscript should contain:
- Title page with full title and subtitle (if any). For the purposes of blind refereeing, the full name of each author with current affiliation and full address/phone/fax/eMail details plus short biographical note should be supplied on a separate sheet.
- Abstract of 100-125 words.
- 5-6 keywords.
- Main text and word count - suggested target is 5000-10000 words - as Word files (*.doc) or in RTF format (*.rtf).
- Text should be written in American spelling and clearly organized, with a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings (1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc.).
- Tables, figures and footnotes in the text should be consecutively
- Accentuations in the text should be done by underlining.
- References should be cited in the text as (author, date: page).
- An alphabethical references section should follow the text. It must include only titles actually cited
or quoted in the text and should be formatted as follows:
Book: Surname, X.X. & Surname, Y. (year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Chapter in Book: Surname, X. (year). Title of chapter. In: Surname, Y. & Surname, Z. (eds.), Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, xx-xxx [page range].
Journal article: Surname, X. (year). Title of Article. Name of journal, vol.no.(issue no.), xx-xxx [page range].
Website: Surname, X. (year). Title of Article. Name of journal, vol.no.(issue no.), URL (consulted month, year): http://xxx.xxx/xxx
- Tables and figures should be submitted in separate files and their position indicated by a note in the text (i.e. "Figure 1 about here"). All tables and figures should have short discriptive captions and (if applicable) their source(s) typed below them.
- Tables: Should be submitted as Word-files (*.doc) or in RTF format (*.rtf).
- Figures: Should be submitted as Excel-, Picture- and/or Powerpoint-files, depending on the type of figure:
Diagrams (histograms, pie charts etc.): To be submitted as Excel files (*.xls) which - for layout purposes - must include the data on which they are based.
Images (photographs, scans etc.): To be submitted as picture files (*.psd, *.tif or *.jpeg) with an image resolution of 300 dpi.
Handpainted graphics: To be created in Powerpoint (in no case in Word) and submitted as Powerpoint-files (*.ppt).
Open access policy and publication fees
conflict & communication online is an open access journal. Articles published in conflict & communication online are freely available to the entire global research community via conflict & communication online's website under Creative Commons Licence BY (Appropriate credit) or BY-NC-ND (Appropriate credit, Noncommercial, NoDerivates).
While the traditional publishing model restricts access to published research in order to recoup the costs of the publication process and charges users a fee to read the content, the open access publishing model levies an article-processing charge (APC) from the authors. This APC which covers the entire cost of the publication process amounts 6,00 € plus taxes per SMP (= standard manuscript page á 1.500 characters including spaces), and is due at the acceptance of manuscripts.
In order to do justice to our authors' quality expectations, there will be a language editing of manuscripts by non-native-speakers, for which an additional fee of 7,50 € plus taxes per SMP will be charged.
Many authors may have the publication fees covered in full or in part by their universities. Find out more about this from the library of your university. If your library does not support the open access publishing model by covering publication costs, a reduced APC may be applicable.