conflict & communication online
Editor: Wilhelm Kempf, University of Konstanz





conflict & communication online is a multi-lingual, peer-reviewed academic journal with a trans-disciplinary orientation. The publication languages are German and English. Short summaries of all contributions will appear in both publication languages. The aim of conflict & communication online is to further discussion and exchange among researchers of different nationalities and disciplines, and by creatively employing the special possibilities offered by the Internet to set new quality standards.

conflict & communication online is an open access journal. Articles published in conflict & communication online are freely available to the entire global research community via conflict & communication online's website under Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-ND (Appropriate credit*, Noncommercial, NoDerivates).

While the traditional publishing model restricts access to published research in order to recoup the costs of the publication process and charges users a fee to read the content, the open access publishing model levies an article-processing charge (APC) from the authors. This APC which covers the entire cost of the publication process amounts 6,00 € plus taxes per SMP (= standard manuscript page á 1.500 characters including spaces), and is due at the acceptance of manuscripts. Submission charges are not charged.

In order to do justice to our authors' quality expectations, there will be a language editing of manuscripts by non-native-speakers, for which an additional fee of 7,50 € plus taxes per SMP will be charged.

Many authors may have the publication fees covered in full or in part by their universities. Find out more about this from the library of your university. If your library does not support the open access publishing model by covering publication costs, a reduced APC may be applicable.

conflict & communication online will be brought out twice a year by the Berlin regener publishing house. Half of each edition of the journal will be devoted to a focus-topic and the other half to a variety of different contributions.

* Users must provide the name of the creator and attribution parties, a copyright notice, a license notice, a disclaimer notice, and a link to the material.