conflict & communication online, Vol. 19, No. 1&2, 2020
ISSN 1618-0747




Veronika Zimmer & Margit Stein
Attitudes of young people with and without a migration background towards immigration and xenophobia as a function of interethnic contacts

This article discusses the attitudes of young people between 18 and 24 years of age (n=1090) with and without migration background towards immigration and rassism. This study focuses on a highly detailed depiction of migration background with regard to three generations of immigrants (immigrated him-/herself, born in Germany, but immigration of parents or grandparents). The groups are combined and further subgroups are considered, taking into account gender, religion, ethnic background, identity, one's own education, the education of the parents as well as especially interethnic contacts and friendships. Especially interethnic friendships reduced the fear of rassism as well in young people with as without migration background – irrespective of other factors.


  englischer Volltext in German  

The authors:

Dr. Dr. Veronika Zimmer is Deputy Professor for General Pedagogy at the University of Vechta. Her research areas are migration and education, empirical social research, inclusion in education, Islamic religious education, values and attitudes of teachers, adult education in the immigration society.

Prof. Dr. Margit Stein is Professor for General Pedagogy at the University of Vechta. Her research areas are life in rural areas, values, commitment, religiosity, empirical social research, migration education, childhood and youth research.